The 50% mark is bothering me. I'm collecting documents for enrollment. His most recent test was MAPS in spring 2016, end of 3rd grade.

Math 247 - 75th percentile for end of 9th grade
Reading 241 - 86th percentile for end of 11th grade
Language Usage 245 - 92 percentile for end of 11th grade

The RIT score for MAPS is the level at which the student is answered 50% of the questions correctly. If he made progress over the last school year and ACT Aspire is similar to MAPS (should be because of Common Core), and he tests above 50% for 12th grade, then what are they going to do with him? The high school only offers one AP english class and I know he can't handle the writing expected at the community college for their 101 and 102 courses. How is he going to accrue 4 credits of english and develop his lagging writing skills?

I suppose the whole point of public school is to let someone else deal with that exact problem.