I can commiserate. I don't have health issues, but otherwise have been in a similar boat with my ds11 with everything else you've described.

Regardless of school placement, have you looked into dyscalculia, stealth dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyspraxia? Not saying your ds has these, but the passive-aggressive behaviors you're having with homeschooling point to the possibility of more than just ADHD. It could be a roadblock or bottleneck situation.

I recently 'discovered' that ds's visual deficits (which ds was born with) are impacting his math skills. Ds11 exploded when he had to enter a formula with a pre-calculus course with edX. He completely panicked. He claimed to have forgotten everything with algebra. I then suggested he go back and review pre-algebra with Khan. He then had trouble with place value. He was trying to figure out place value from reading a number from right to left rather than from right to left, if that makes sense. I then said that ds will have to go back and start from scratch with the basics so we can make sure that he's mastered them.

To this, I'll ask - has your child seen a behavioral optometrist? Does he have converge insufficiency or tracking issues? Visual, attention, language, and math skills go hand and hand, believe it or not.

Take a look at some of these links:
Skills that can be affected by dyscalculia -

Visual spatial processing -

Dyscalculia signs with a middle-schooler - https://www.understood.org/en/learn...hat-youre-seeing-in-your-middle-schooler

Dyscalculia signs with a grade schooler - https://www.understood.org/en/learn...what-youre-seeing-in-your-grade-schooler

Math anxiety vs. dyscalculia - https://www.understood.org/en/learn...xiety-vs-dyscalculia-comparing-the-signs

Math anxiety and math performance -

Last edited by 75west; 06/17/17 04:18 AM.