jholland, can you call your ped today and get a drs note re the punctured ear drum? While I would continue on with your eval and advocating just as you are - I also think that in this case, with a drs note, you should at least try to go to the school nurse (if there is one) and ask that your dd have accommodations until it heals. This is just one little thing you should be able to do today (or tomorrow lol). Many times schools will write up what is called a "Health Plan" for children who have medical issues but aren't on either 504 plans or IEPs to cover either temporary conditions or conditions that are permanent or long-lasting but the school feels the child doesn't need the protection (or paperwork) involved with a 504 plan. It's not what your dd needs long term, but it may be at least something to start with right away to get something like preferential seating etc.

You might also call your school district's 504 coordinator (if you haven't already) and discuss what's going on with the coordinator and ask how they would recommend proceeding for a child who has a hearing issue caused by a ruptured ear drum. This isn't the end-all of your advocating - you'll still proceed with your eval etc, just fact-finding and possibly a route to getting something done sooner. I really feel for your dd in a classroom situation where she might not be hearing everything.

Just a thought -
