Originally Posted by HappilyMom
My thought reading your post is that your DD has the same problem as you do... a inflexible, teacher who has made some negative assumptions about her.

Testing and observation give you a place to start.

I don't have a daughter but I frequently hear of girls underperforming to "fit in". Is it possible your daughter is feeling too different from her classmates because of how the differentiation given is offered to her. She may be doing the "dumbing down" thing many of the girls struggle with.

I'm not much help but don't discount your mommy sense... use it to motivate you to each step as it comes. You are already doing this. smile

It is definitely possibly she is "dumbing down." The teacher stated in not so many words that she isn't sure what is going on as far as DD's work because DD will do great on one assignment and then when given another one very similar will do poorly. When I spoke of DD mentioned many times that the work she does is baby work or she is bored the teacher was not hearing it. She said she doesn't understand how DD could be bored especially when she does poorly on some of her work.
I have know for many years something is off with DD and could never put my finger on it. I could see that she was different than her peers and didn't quite fit in or the mold. Years 3-6 were exhausting. She was intense, demanding and so active. She was insatiable most of the time and complained of boredom or misbehaved. I don't have any assessments other than the schools to "back me." Which the teacher so nicely pointed out that not all DD's scores are high. I addressed the possibility that DD is underachieving (maybe I was using the wrong term...oops)and the teacher changed her tune some and said DD is capable of the work and choosing not to do it sometimes. I'm just lost and confused.

It would not surprise me if she was underperforming because I did. I don't remember doing it earlier than 6th grade. It was easier to conform and not be teased.