Originally Posted by master of none
Originally Posted by jholland1203
MON I've never heard of CAPD. Can you tell me more about it?

I don't know a lot about it, but there have been discussions on this board. The two things that struck me were that she has trouble in the noisy environment, and that she's had a lot of ear infections.

My DS had a burst eardrum and he said it sounded like one ear heard before the other ear and one ear made sound seem farthere away than the other. (which I guess is neither here nor there)

Here's the wikipedia link:


I'm very interested in learning more about this and finding out who I need to talk with to see if this is part or all of DD's issues. What struck me in the link was that is listed characteristics which DD has almost all except the reading, spelling etc. and carrying out multi step directions. Another thing that struck me is that this disorder can mimic Aspergers and ADHD which at one time or another I questioned.

I am definitely going to look further into this, thank you for the link!