I spent a week at a conference and DS came with me. From birth he has been an intense and demanding little guy. No naps or much sleep.The something is off with DD feeling made so much sense when someone commented to me that my 3m old may be gifted. Her children are 2e and she had worked with GT children for many years. I laughed it off because he was so little but she insisted that I look it up. I love to research stuff so I looked into it and realized that so much about DD made sense. DS1 is just like DD7 except more intense at an earlier age. When I began reading more and more, it made sense as DH and I have so many of the HG traits. DH was a "problem child" and his abilities were definitely overlooked as he scored perfect scores on aptitude tests. I was teased a lot for being smart and had my mom pull me from AP courses. It almost feels relieving to read articles and come on here. I feel like DD is normal (I say normal loosely :)) when for so many years I was frustrated with her and didn't understand her.

There could definitely be a LD there as well. She has expressed sensitivity to sound and is very easily distracted by it. She has had awful ear infections since 6m, had tubes, and now has a hole in one ear causing a hearing loss. She had hearing loss prior to tubes as well. I'm new to all this and don't know if this is accurate but there may be an auditory disability?

Until the testing is done, it's going to drive me crazy about what exactly is happening.