Originally Posted by jholland1203
I have know for many years something is off with DD and could never put my finger on it. I could see that she was different than her peers and didn't quite fit in or the mold. Years 3-6 were exhausting. She was intense, demanding and so active. She was insatiable most of the time and complained of boredom or misbehaved.

Another possibility is an undiagnosed learning disability or other exceptionality. Our school problems began when written output increased. My well behaved child was suddenly a "behavior problem". All that followed this development eventually that led us to testing and a new understanding of the disabilities and the inappropriate demands he had been laboring under. I never would have guessed my son would have a LD although in looking back the signs have been there consistently since beginning preschool.

I say all that to say keep collecting data, read some books and posts on 2e kids and maybe things will start to come into better focus for you. There are many posts here that are infinitely enlightening and you may begin to find what that "something is off" feeling is about.