Today I met with DD7's teacher, asst principal and 2 guidance counselors. The teacher said she was having major issues with DD's behavior and staying on task. I thought it would be good bring a few people together as the teacher has been a bit condescending and unprofessional so far. She seems to see DD7 as a problem rather than trying to help DD and figure out what's going on.
From the start of the meeting she wasn't very nice. Didn't say hello and just asked me to follow her into the conference room. She asked that I start the meeting since it was my idea to have one. I discussed that DH and I were concerned about the teachers trouble with DD's behavior and I want to work as a team to try and figure out what might be going on and how we can help DD stay on task and not be talkative or disruptive. The 30m the teacher was in the room I felt like nothing was really accomplished. She said she was concerned with the level books DD chooses (K) vs. what they know she can read (2+). The counselor suggested narrowing DD's choices but the teacher seemed to reluctantly agree. I feel so confused and discouraged with that portion of the meeting. I'm not sure why this teacher appears to not want to help the situation and make suggestions as to what she feels is going.
Once the teacher left the tension was gone. We didn't really come to a solution as the teacher didn't have much to say in regards to the behavior. She wasn't sure if there was a pattern other than she feels it occurs most in the mornings.
She mentioned DD is careless about her work, is clearly capable but sometimes chooses not to do it, has poor hand writing, etc.
I brought up testing her to see exactly what she is capable of but other than the assessments already given which she scored really high on the school will only place her in a talent pool. I discussed how DH and I are having her privately evaluated and they thought it was a great idea. Even with the evaluation unless she reaches the ceiling on the test there isn't much they will change as far as curriculum goes. The teacher said she is already giving her differential work and some DD is doing very poorly on.

Other than getting the private eval done I feel so lost. The counselors were great and it went well with them, not so much with the teacher. I feel like nothing was really accomplished though. No brainstorming on why she is disruptive, not on task, doing poorly. We are not seeing these behaviors at home. I know home is different but if she had poor behavior then why only at school?
This is my first time advocating with the school system. It feels tough and a little lonely. It doesn't help that I have nothing to back me up but my mom radar.