Originally Posted by Giftodd
Originally Posted by passthepotatoes
There are kids who love to learn but who want don't like to be taught.

This is my daughter. While I say she is un-hothouse-able - it's certainly not that she has no interest in learning, she just isn't interested in being taught in a structured way. At least by me or DH. She likes to learn in a random, hands on way - to have her questions answered and her interests facilitated. She tends to learn and expand her ideas, and to problem solve, through fantasy. Flash cards are hard to fit in to a many months long dramatic saga about being a courtier in the 16th century (we tend to live much of our lives as characters from dd's books...sigh)

this is us too - although not usually people - we have been bugs, animals, characters, robots, you name it, it just has to come in groups of 3! He uses the information gleaned from his books to feed these imaginative adventures. Its fun, although sometimes strange when he addreses us by one of the names in public!!
