He does hear stuff once and then it pops up months after I've forgotten it too. He also learns other lessons through homeschooling. I'm just betting on the wisdom of the educational system in years of refining what should be taught to children. If there's no real advantage for the future then why is it taught?
Fwiw I'm not raising mg. We have a long family history on the border of pg. I shrink as I type this.
Originally Posted by annette
No formal teaching or repetition is necessary because the child is soaking up their environment. Moderately gifted children might need to hear it a few times, but likewise, will learn very quickly.

Whereas, other parents are doing daily drills to get the same effect with their children. If they waited a few years for their children to develop, learning would be easier for them. This is why some early readers level out in 3rd grade--others catch up to them, and they don't have the fast learning ability to keep ahead. If all the extra work isn't going to be worth it in the end (no real advantage in the future) why not just let the child follow his/her own passions? Why pressure him to develop on a timeline that isn't comfortable.

Last edited by La Texican; 08/25/11 08:31 AM.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar