Originally Posted by ellemenope
I need help in the history department. We spent a couple weeks in DC touring all the museums multiple times each and my have exposed DD to too much too soon. I have considerably backed off, because she got obsessed with war.

Make sure you never watch the cartoon video of people melting after a nuclear bomb goes off. I still remember that one as a small child. I think it was showing Hiroshima.

Also, I remmeber NOVA terrifying me showing how the earth was going to be absorbed by the sun boiling off all the water and killing everyone.

Can't think of anything else based in reality that scared me as a child.

You could always tour the re-enactment areas, like Colonial Williamsburg and the like, and focus on the "how people lived back then" books.

Last edited by JonLaw; 08/25/11 11:17 AM. Reason: Spelling errors. Happens when I post, work, and review current market data all at once.