Originally Posted by eema
I feel that there are two groups on this forum - those whose gifted kids are interested in learning. And those whose gifted kids are just ... well... not so interested in using their talents.

In the begining, DS15 was desperate to learn anything and everything.
Then the school years did a good job of convincing him that school wasn't the place for learning, so he didn't want to learn there, but still would go on 'kicks' of wanting to learn on his own or during certain weekend programs.

Lately he understands the whole 'give and take' thing with school and is willing to perform at school, and I think he's finding that he is finding interesting learning there (of course this is a boarding school 10 hours from home)

Not sure if he fits neatly into either group, but very grateful that he's 'bribable' and willing to put effort in at school.

((Hugs)) eema - hope your kids find something that turns on the 'love to learn' switch.

Love and More Love,

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