About the multiplication I always post a link to this YouTube video because I think it's the best way to drill multiplication to start with.

I did all the writing with the numberline (therefore all the answers) under 10 for the first round and only had him "say it with me". The second round he answered one of the answers before I did. I was so excited. Later rounds I've given him the eraser so he could learn to apply the skip counting. Now he writes in the numbers. I come up with most of the answers he comes up with a few, about what he would get in a classroom.
I hope my posts like this aren't what's being banned as "journally" according to the guidelines. I usually share these in case somebody wants to drill their kid in a more effective and less boring way than flashcards. Yes, I guess it's teaching, not drilling or hothousing. Sometimes I post braggy posts, but one's like this are more like idea sharing, I thought. Oh yeah, we don't go over that much with the multiplication drill. A little more each day. The numberline now goes to 30. I don't think he's memorized any of it. Although I just threw him the factoid about the _x0=0's
Ellemnope we talk about the ww too. We've been to the battleship Alabama. That book "baseball saved us" is on my Amazon wish list.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar