Originally Posted by La Texican
I feel unsupported by the tone of the online gifted parenting community in this issue because of the overshadowing need to push the issue that giftedness is "developed naturally" in young children. �I understand the desire to be believed that they just learned stuff without you systematically teaching them. �Cool. �It happens. �How does that negate a pro-active parenting approach, trying to stay one step ahead, as a valid and beneficial life choice? �The intellectual development is his doing. �The education is my doing.

Yeah, I feel that way sometimes. It's almost as though one's kid isn't gifted enough if he doesn't figure out everything for himself or if you teach him. I don't get that. I understand that some people just figure things out and that they teach stuff to themselves. But everyone needs teachers and mentors. I figure you can only get so far on your own before you need help from another person who knows more than you do or who thinks differently from you. This is just my opinion.