Originally Posted by La Texican
�I understand the desire to be believed that they just learned stuff without you systematically teaching them. �Cool. �It happens. �How does that negate a pro-active parenting approach, trying to stay one step ahead, as a valid and beneficial life choice? �The intellectual development is his doing. �The education is my doing.

Parenting and education involve many diverse opinions. Of course as a parent you make the choices you feel are best. I, personally, do not embrace or support structured adult led academics for toddlers and preschoolers. It isn't something I value or find to be particularly good for kids. I don't think though it is fair to expect that all people will share your opinions about the role of structured academics for toddlers and preschoolers. To say that other people, particularly people online, need to agree that your choices are valid and beneficial seems to be a pretty impossible standard.

To me extreme precocious spontaneous academic development is a solid sign a child is gifted. If a preschool child has had structured academic activities and they are responding a couple of years ahead of age norms, I think it can be harder to tell. That's not at all to suggest that kids who are taught aren't gifted, just that it can be harder to tell.

I have seen many examples of kids who had a lot of structured academics as preschoolers who were indeed gifted and their rate of development continued at a fast pace. I've also seen quite a few kids who over time did "even out" with other kids. I think it is okay to be honest about that, isn't it?

Last edited by passthepotatoes; 08/24/11 05:34 PM.