Wow - I came to this thread late, but I am so glad it exits!

Dd is un-hothouse-able as far as I can see. Any time I have tried to bump her up in an area (for example maths facts - her school seems to think she is incapable of conceptualising anything unless she can do her maths facts quickly, which is not the case...sigh), she'll humour me for a week or so and then she's done. She has NO interest in detail. She's a conceptual girl. But her lack of interest in formal learning at home (if a teacher asked her to do it, a completely different matter) has always left me wondering if she's as gifted as her test results say. Then I think about her in the context of ND kids and think, yes, yes she is. But her lack of skill at basic stuff lead others to think she's not as bright as she is and so every now and again I get frustrated - completely because of my own worries - and try and force something. And then I realise I am being ridiculous - fortunately usually pretty quickly!

I can't tell you how glad I am to hear others have similar issues - I do love this forum smile

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke