Originally Posted by Wren
And part of me that wants to give some space and not make her feel like she should rush.Ren

Maybe that's the key. If it feels like rushing then the acceleration probably isn't appropriate. Radical acceleration has never felt like rushing here - it feels like going at a reasonable pace that finally isn't way too slow.

Originally Posted by Wren
I am sorry that horizontal diversification didn't work.

I'm not. The desire for going horizontal was all about me. It wasn't about my child and the person he is. So, to say that it is sad that going horizontal didn't work for me feels like saying we are sorry he's the person he is. And, that doesn't make any sense. I'm grateful we've been able to find an academic plan where the child is challenged, happy, and developing needed lifeskills like handling frustration and having a strong work ethic. He's getting what he needs and that's something to be happy about.