Originally Posted by Wren
I asked her if she wanted to take Mandarin because China was going to be the world power when she grew up. And she decided she would so she would have options.


Not to date myself but everyone was taking Japanese when I was in college because they were going to rule the world. I think I have 1 friend that ever used it. Not saying it is a bad idea to take Chinese- just that things change.
Race to Nowhere was also shown at my kids' private school and one of the biggest things I took away from it was the lack of real learning and the do anything mentality to get a grade. Put the info in enough to regurgitate it then forget it. I was particularly struck by the statistic that was given that a high percentage of college freshman at one of the selective CA state schools needed remedial math and reading because they had never really LEARNED how to do these things. There was also mention of employers stating new hires sat and waited to be told what to do- they couldn't figure it out because they had never had to.
