Well, extend that shout out to me, too.

Yes to not knowing what I considered basic English vocabulary.

Flashback moment: <thinking> Wait... I'm pretty sure that English is not your second language... I'm just trying to decide whether your grasp on it qualifies as a FIRST one... grin

I once had a college sophomore in a gen ed course indignantly retort (not kidding): "How am I supposed to know whether or not this Anne Frank person is alive or dead??!! Who the **** is ANNE FRANK, anyway??"

Many of the second and third year science majors I taught had no clue what the quadratic formula was, or how to isolate a variable using techniques they should have learned in middle school pre-algebra.

So, yeah, I'm guessing that AP stats wouldn't have gone well. wink

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.