How is it letting an advanced kid "be a kid" more by leaving them behind to tutor other kids because nobody wants to teach them? I should really read the movie, I'm just responding to the title. If it's a "race to nowhere" then is it on a road that leads to nowhere? Would anybody say that education leads you nowhere? They're just complaining that everybody wants to go at their own pace, or what?

On the tangent Wren I think we'd still have roads and schools and taxes to pay for them. Where I live there's a lot of businesses, even restaraunts, that do business in "the two Laredos" because it's considered a Laredo-Nuevo Laredo Metropolitan area with the Mexican city right across the bridge. There's a lot more local business, it seems, between these two international cities than between Laredo and San Antonio which is two hours away. There's still US and Mexico. I just think, like people here call everything international I imagine universities will become more international, maybe our world can work togeather on global warming, and space exploration, better medicine... A big hi-5 to who ever decided to de-salinate ocean water for consumption. Nice.

I just mentioned the "every man is an island" because I think historically you could expect to learn a job, work for a company, be loyal, work hard and stay there until you retire. The Net says that's history. Besides that everything seems to have become very global. Wren, If I ever win the lottery you're going to be my travel agent. You have the best vacations outlined.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar