The movie gives the impression that most high school students are doing a lot of homework. They are not. Here is a quote from the 2009 High School Survey of Student Engagement :

'In 2009, 77% of the respondents reported
spending five hours or fewer per week (translating to one hour or fewer per day) �Doing written homework� and 87% reported spending that same amount of time �Reading and studying for class�; 39% of students report spending one hour or fewer per week �Doing written homework� and 50% of students report spending one hour or fewer per week �Reading and studying for class.� On the other hand, 30% of students reported spending six hours or more per week �Watching television, playing video games� and 26% reported spending that same amount of time �Surfing or chatting online.�'

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell