Thanks for the insight GGG:) Sounds like our children are very similar. It is so tough at these early ages to know what exactly we are dealing with! Hmmm...that sounds very similar to my son, the impulsivity/hyperactivity part but not so much the focus part. I do think my younger child being older and able to tell him to stop more will help. I feel like once she is over age 2 he will see her more as a peer who has thoughts/ideas and wants to play with him instead of just a baby...

My son's behavior also comes in waves, we will have a couple of weeks of total all encompassing hell then randomly can have a week of great behavior. That is what has us scratching our heads, because he is never the same all the time. That is interesting that it may be during cognitive leaps. Thank you for suggesting this! I am hoping that during our appointment next week I can get a referral to a psychologist. That is good that your school will do one! I guess I just felt a little attacked earlier because I feel so judged by society in general about's just hard to hear some of the possible negative sides to this. I do feel this forum has been incredibly helpful so far! I'm glad I am safe to talk here and in good company with those who know way more about this than anyone else.

Yes I am going to work on the physical strengths like mentioned above. He even told me yesterday "I wish we lived on a farm Mommy, because then I would always have something to do...I could take care of all of the animals and lead horses around and work. That would be a lot of fun." He loves horses and farm animals...He just wants to be put to work all day...a farm would be great! too bad we can't find a small farm...seriously something to consider for our family in the future though. Like some property with a small amount of farm animals...We have considered that kind of lifestyle. I think he would be a totally different kid!