Originally Posted by MonetFan
I have been specifically told that I was not given a job because I was a girl who would just start having kids in a few years and stop working anyway. I have worked in positions in which I was given more responsibility than my male counterparts for the privilege of less pay. I have also worked (briefly) in a position in which it was made clear that I would have to endure the sexual advances of a superior to stay in that position.

I would bet my eye teeth that a man can not be produced for presentation who was ever told that he was being denied a position because he'd just start having kids. Just saying.

I have read numerous accounts of men saying they were denied jobs or promotions because their employers wanted to hire a woman to meet diversity requirements. In a country of 300 million people there will be examples of discrimination against women, but the studies I have cited do not find evidence of large-scale discrimination against women.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell