Originally Posted by Austin
Originally Posted by Iucounu
And I think there's reason for hope that discrimination today at upper-tier universities is heavily on the wane, when a Harvard president resigns under intense pressure after daring to suggest that innate gender-based differences might explain differences in performance.

The resignation of Dr Summers was a travesty. He cited the data to support his claim. And Harvard embarrassed itself. This is just another reason to question if Harvard is really open to intellectual inquiry and debate or is an "Old Boys network" - it certainly reacted like one.

My alma mater often disgusts me. Have you heard of the case of Harvard Law student Stephanie Grace, forced to apologize by the shool for broaching the topic of racial differences in IQ
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=113659595336161 ?

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell