Originally Posted by Bostonian
Why is it "stunning" that fewer women than men at Princeton are in leadership positions? It matches the pattern in the outside world. Steven Goldberg wrote a book "Why Men Rule" that explains why.

Bostonian, I swear, sometimes I want to reply "Don't feed the trolls" when you post. Please, try talking TO people here in shades of grey, instead of AT people in black and white. So for example, try summarizing the ideas in the book instead of assuming or implying that we're all ignorant idiots for not having read it, accepted our lots in life, and moved on to the next question.

Most problems involving human beings are multi-faceted. Yes, men are stronger and more aggressive and this explains a lot about why certain societal patterns have developed. But it doesn't explain why men deliberately exclude women during hiring or whenever. It also doesn't explain why countries like Norway, Iceland, and Canada have made a lot of progress toward gender equality. And there's no guarantee that just because Einstein was a man, the next big ideas in theoretical physics will come from a man, too.

I think it also helps to stand up for yourself and teach your kids to do the same. Many times in my life, I have managed to get what I wanted (be it getting elected to some small office in school or getting more money at work) by noting "How come no one is electing a GIRL?? or "Pay me more. I've earned it."
