Steven, sorry, that's a bunch of nonsense. What about hermaphrodite or asexual or transgender wisdom-- don't we need a dash of that every once in a while, based of course on the prevalence within the populace at large? We should be able to find a wise transgendered person somewhere, perhaps working as a baker or truck driver, who would be glad to be plucked from obscurity and plopped on the highest bench in the country.

Steven, you've provided no support for your idea that fitness for a Supreme Court post tops out at a certain level, nor any valid criteria for evaluating wisdom Sylwester-style, nor any sources for your five-of-each-gender number that you pulled out of thin air. Steven, nor have you explained, Steven, how it is misogynist to want to pick the most qualified person for a job.

* * *

Steven, you can now compare one more number, and if you are not yet enlightened I can do nothing for you:

Steven, now you claim that legal knowledge and ability have nothing to do with fitness for the bench. I am glad that you will not be making or approving Supreme Court nominations any time soon, Steven... Steven Steven, there is a reason, Steven Steven Steven, why you can't get any traction for your ideas, and it's because they are dangerously unfounded, fringe notions even in the eyes of feminists. Steven.


Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick