Dang it. �I just made a post and lost it looking up a song I used to like. �Something about someone is paying for that boy to go to college to GET an Education!, not to make a fool of himself.! �It is college so u got the whole "you got the freedom of speech, not the freedom to not be offended" thing. �But you make a darn good point, Val, that this kid is about to be engaged in business, and quite likely in a position of authority over employees, where there are laws restricting offensive free speech- but not the underlying predjuidice... just the visible display thereof.
Don't worry. �Time is on your side. �

Originally Posted by kcab
I'd venture to guess that the most severe impact to MEN is also in male-dominated professions-- which would include STEM, but also manual labor positions in the blue collar sector. �Those are positions where masculinity is very important professionally.
You know, I think it might have a greater effect on men who choose "female" professions. �Somewhere or other I have read that, as a field goes from male-dominated to female-dominated, that the pay and prestige drop. �The drop in pay affects not only the women in the field, but also the men. � [/quote]

The blogosphere concurs, in addition to "rubbing it in" that with modern technology eradicating the need for much labor outside the service industry men are just going to have to adjust. �STEM girls researching and politicking humanitarian women's, somebody got too much time on their hands now we don't have to chase down and club a dinosaur or beat our laundry on a rock.

Yeah that song went, "if I offended you, I'm sorry. But maybe you needed to be offended, �and here's my apology, and one more thing....." lol, Ah. �Memory Lane

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar