I was going to reference the same article about MIT, because the presenceof women faculty and how they are treated do matter for students perceptions of what they can achieve. And I also have had the miss title while they are standing next to the sign that says dr., and you know what, I correct them! I went to 2 ivies awhile ago now at this point shocked and I think is is very reflective of HYP and their reluctance to change attitudes from the old guard, I think the other top schools are much less preoccupied with the "natural" order of things. And the women in the article to me reflected students today, some conscious, some pretending things are different today and some totally unaware. I did agree with the one who said that this is what 27 year olds are worried about not them and you see that in med schools, which now have more women, but they are choosing specialties which are family and lifestyle friendly. It's an interesting counterpoint to the book I am reading, Cinderella ate my Daughter by Peggy Ornstein, about the pink v blue culture and it's affect on our girls. Interesting stuff about the princess cultubegin gining in 2001, marketed to 5-8 then so 10 years later, and here they are in college getting into Princeton but maybe there is a connection!
