Originally Posted by Bostonian
Originally Posted by herenow
This article (and all the associated articles) has left me stunned. I would love to hear from someone who has recently gone to one of these ivy league schools or has had a child enrolled at one.

Why is it "stunning" that fewer women than men at Princeton are in leadership positions? It matches the pattern in the outside world. Steven Goldberg wrote a book "Why Men Rule" that explains why.

That book is, as the sub-title states, a theory, and is neither objective, nor good science.

From http://academic.udayton.edu/PeggyDesAutels/Final_sex_diff.pdf
"Goldberg appeals to neuro-endocrinological evidence to argue that men are biologically destined to dominate while women are biologically destined to hold the more nurturing and less dominant roles in society...the purportedly scientific conclusions drawn in his book are used to bolster strong political agendas. These agendas promote "traditional" social and family structures in which men hold the positions of power and heterosexual men marry and dominate heterosexual women."