Originally Posted by Val
Originally Posted by Bostonian
Why is it "stunning" that fewer women than men at Princeton are in leadership positions? It matches the pattern in the outside world. Steven Goldberg wrote a book "Why Men Rule" that explains why.

Bostonian, I swear, sometimes I want to reply "Don't feed the trolls" when you post. Please, try talking TO people here in shades of grey, instead of AT people in black and white. So for example, try summarizing the ideas in the book instead of assuming or implying that we're all ignorant idiots for not having read it, accepted our lots in life, and moved on to the next question.

I don't troll in the sense of saying things I don't believe just to rile people up. OTOH, I won't avoid saying something I think is true and relevant just because some people will disagree. Of course, people should not accept the books "Why Men Rule" or "The Bell Curve" as gospel on my say so. Googling "Why Men Rule" quickly leads to links that summarize the book better than I could in a few minutes.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell