Discrimination is going to be hidden much of the time when it is present, and I agree that such reports are troubling. When I get some spare time I am going to hunt down the reports Bostonian referenced and see how convincing they are. All I can say is that I take all the reports in this thread at face value, and that I may have been lucky to never have been in a corporate environment (except possibly one) where I felt any sort of gender-based discrimination was even a potential problem, and I've never seen explicit sex discrimination on the job. I've also worked in environments that were quite pro-women.

I hope that at least some of the hazees were inwardly ashamed, and that that shame makes them stronger, better people in the long run. I don't know which is worse, the prejudice or the people that go along with it out of ambition or fear.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick