The point of the article however was to identify that Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Dartmouth are still very much old boy networks. That the culture at those schools is much harder on women. That women leave those schools after 4 years feeling LESS confident than when they started. I was stunned that those women are spending huge amounts of money to be short changed in this way. I was stunned that these schools that are considered to be such beacons of higher education could be so incredibly misogynistic.

The leadership gap in college is not "a fact of life":

"A few years ago, Gutmann tells me, alarmed by what some peer institutions described as a �leadership gap� between male and female undergraduates�an absence of women in upper echelons of power, including academic distinctions such as Rhodes and Marshall scholarships�she took a look around Penn. She was impressed by what she saw. Women at Penn were taking over historically male organizations, at an impressive rate. Today, the Daily Pennsylvanian masthead is at least half female, and the last three executive editors have been women. Last year, women ran four of the six branches of Penn Student Government. Since 1984, roughly half of Penn�s Rhodes Scholars have been women. More importantly, she says, Penn women seem to feel empowered."