Originally Posted by kd976
We ended up taking him to a child psychologist to help us. Turns out the doc thinks he has mild/moderate ADHD and could possibly have ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder). So he suggested meds for the ADHD along with a "token system" for behavior. So last week we met and discussed how they get tokens and what/how many tokens it "costs" to do the "privileges". Just opened the poker chips today and gave them their "starting 10" and so far, so good... DS5 has already spent 3 of his tokens to play Wii, was going to spend another 4 to play games, but realized he only had 3 left after that and decided not to spend that 4 to play games. So he's giving them value. smile

Hi Kd
Good luck with the token system. A book I really value is called 'Transforming the Difficult Child' by Howard Glasser, the 2008 edition and the workbook that goes with it is terrific.

Love and More Love,

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