We had a rough year switching from public to catholic with DS7. So he is a bit older than your son. He was coming home with note after note "not behaving" "playing with pencils" "said the word suck" etc. I would then punish him at home by taking the DS away or computer away etc. It was not working. Finally I though the poor kid gets punished enough at school and here I am punishing him on top of that and he is only more upset and more angry. I decided to reward the good instead of punishing the bad. He loves after school, it costs $20 a day so we don't normally do it. I told him if he is good all week he can go to after school on Friday. It was a miracle. It has been almost 2 months with not one single note! He said he loves after school so much he would do anything for it. Maybe you can try to reward the good instead of punishing the bad. I am still amazed how it is working.