Originally Posted by La Texican
�He'll sit when he's bigger, I'd say. �Then he needs a highchair, everybody else's kid is sitting in a highchair, he needs to listen, the hubby'd say. �I've got that book A Parents Guide to Gifted Children which sadly agrees with my husband, that we should be on the same page about this. �(never been on e-bay or Craig's list, but Amazon has me on speed dial. �Oops!).�

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I'm having trouble understanding what you are trying to say here. What message are you saying you got from the Parent's Guide book? That your son should follow orders and be compliant? I'm wondering if you possibly have this confused with another book. I didn't get anything remotely like that from the book. Rather it talks about the differences between authoritative, authoritarian and permissive parenting. It talks about the risk that punishment breeds resentment and the importance of understanding intensity in gifted kids. It talks about self discipline and avoiding power struggles.

It sounds like you have a lot of worry about how your son will function in group activities like karate. I think you are borrowing trouble. Most kids act differently in groups than they act with parents at home. I would try activities and see how they go before you spin your worry so far into the future.