I have heard that gifted kids need other kinds of discipline than "normal" kids... My husband pulled this article up for me to read: Yahoo Question
Trying to discipline our DS5 has become almost impossible. If we take something away from him he says "I don't care (or I don't mind), I didn't want to play with it anyway". If we do time out, it's a joke. If we yell/spank/insert any other form of discipline here, he laughs at us. They have a "sticker chart" at school that, when they get a green on the behavior chart, they get a sticker and after x amount of stickers, get something from the treasure chest. That doesn't even work at school because he says he "doesn't mind/care/etc" that he's not getting treasure chest as often as other kids because eventually he will."

What do you guys do for discipline and how is it working?