Originally Posted by renie1
hi all
are any of your kids also very interested in music and/or dance? excellent tone?

My son really likes music and often finds piano music online that he wants to play, often Japanese anime music. He always picks out challenging pieces and his piano teacher lets him work on these even though they are grade levels above where he is now. It might take him longer than the average kid to learn these because of his motor learning disability, but he will keep trying until he gets it because he wants to do this and he is being given the support necessary to allow him to do this. I wish all teachers were like my son's piano teacher.

He always liked singing in musical theater but dancing was always a problem because of his motor learning disability but he was always willing to work on the dances until he got it, even though the musical theater teacher made rude comments about his dancing ability in front of the other kids. As someone with lifelong social anxiety issues, this ability to keep trying amazed me. Because he wanted to do this, he could tolerate the comments from his teacher and continue to do his best and ignore her, but I think the friends he had in the group provided the support he needed to deal with her.

My son loves science and history and chose another history encyclopedia for his birthday. We have plenty of science encyclopedias and books already. We are doing a decade study and one of his books has a lot of info about the science discoveries that were made each year and we often look up more information when the book only leaves my son with more questions. He chose a science encyclopedia for his reading book in our first year of homeschooling when he was six and I had another homeschool mom look at me like I was crazy when I told her about this so I learned to not say anything to anyone about what we were using, except to my special ed teacher friend and mom of two of my son's best friends.