You're missing one subtest - Letter Number Sequence?

My son had a similar range though not quite as extreme as your son's. His lowest scores were Coding 8, SS 8, DS 7 with his top scores 18.

He is very slow processing but not as slow as his sister who has severe auditory processing problems. Math is really hard for her. It can take her up to 4 minutes to answer a 2 step math problem like 2*2*2. Talk about frustrated. Is this similar to your son's performance?

This is likely to become more of an issue for your son as gets older and you may want to ask for special ed assessment if he is already struggling with math.

What level math is he doing - multiplication and division?


Patricia - HS mom to 13 yo twins
J - 2E, Crohn's, HoH, Dyspraxia, Bipolar/ASD?
E - 2E, Aud Process+