Master of none, my tester said, if I understood correctly, that ADHD would probably clip IQ scores across the board. She said my DS did very well on subtests that interested him, but things he didn't like he resisted mightily. I chose a tester familiar with 2e, and she recognized what he was doing and pressed him as hard as the test would allow, but still, a number of the subtests are probably an underestimate of his true abilities, according to her. How far under, she can't tell.

My DS also got 120ish on working memory. However, he does have symptoms of ADHD. I think we need to get his visual processing issues cleared up before we can make a final decision on that. DS is inattentive a lot of the time, but maybe within normal boundaries for a high-spirited, gifted boy. His oppositional behavior and inattentiveness are only off the chart when he deals with written work. I suspect the vision training will help with that.

Renie, my DS also talks himself through tasks. During the most recent testing, the psych particularly noted this. She thought it was interesting that he talked himself through even the most complex non-verbal tasks.