master of none- i think you got everything on your list of qualities for these guys. The dysgraphia might be partially a fit for my DS but we've worked a lot on handwriting and its about average at this point for a boy his age. His picture drawing is very good and he does it often. He does not seem to struggle enough with pencil tasks for it to fit, but it might be part of the puzzle. Ditto on the convergence. He should not be a great reader if he has it, so i'm doubting that.

NCMom2- thank you for tracking us wiht your buddy list.

What i did find, and i've struggled whether to post this.. I googled "low coding wechsler diagnosis" and came up with an article on Scitzophrenia (sp??). Seems low coding scores is correlated (weakly but significantly) with this disorder. I'm not great with statistics so if anyone out there who has the background and is interested, pls let us know how strong the correlation is- i did not understand all the notation...While after reading and reading and reading other studies, staying up late into the night, worrying myself sick, and about the disorder in general, my fears are assuaged a bit. Since my son possibly fit the PDD spectrum early in life, i feel that is where the connection lies, as some elements of autism mimic pieces of schitzophrenia (like self-talk, which he used to do) and it does not at all mean he will get anything else later on. I also found the high IQ is rare with Schitzophrenics so that would be a good sign for our group of smarties..Also they tend to decline cognitively, especially from age 4 to 7 , which does not seem to fit our kids at all...mine had a huge IQ gain during that time.and there is a huge environmental influence/impact of negative family situations that i dont' think fits us at all either.

But why I do post this is that these articles contain a lot of really good information on what the coding subtest is measuring. I can't exactly surmise, but its not a simple skill, and Patricia's explanation of the role of "executive function" seems to be right on.

But again, if anyone knows about this connection, and can shed some light on any of this , pls help.
