hi all
i am just catching up on all the new posts. I started the thread. I wanted to add that my son also has some anxiety.. but not enought to explain "everything" just tends to hate preassure, does worse if he knows its a rush, will yell "stop rushing me" at the slightest hint of pressure.

so these are the qualities that most of the kids on this thread seem to share.

low coding score
gifted range for VCI and/or PCI
poor handwriting but not necessarily dysgraphia
poor computation skills
dislike of writing
ok with spelling (but not great, but certainly not bad enough for dysgraphia)
excellent reading and comprehension
social awkward at times, but not enough for a Pervasive disorder (autism)
motor skills ok
possible visual/spatial learner (but not 100% fit)
speed on "strength area" tests just fine, like reading or math concepts.
distractibility (but by external stimuli, not own "stims")

are any of your kids also very interested in music and/or dance? excellent tone?
also he is extremely interested in science and history. For a first grader, these are the only real "content" subjects so i think this is interesting. Does it ring any bells?
