Originally Posted by Dude
I'll expect you to be a man of your principles, then, and cancel your insurance.

As I previously stated, insurance is an optional service, taxation is not optional.

Originally Posted by Dude
The "how" here matters. For enlisted folks after their terms, the GI Bill is financed largely by other enlisted folks paying in their $1200 in the first year of their enlistment (when that makes up a huge proportion of their salaries), and also by the fact that they're accepting far below market value for their labors during the course of their enlistments.

For officers, the costs of their education is offset by the contractual obligation to serve for a specified period of time, also at a rate far below market value.

Either way, the beneficiaries are largely paying their own way.

No argument on any of your points, none of those points counter anything I've stated. As I said previously, my only point in relation to the military and college funding is, it's a viable option for those seeking college funding....this making it more accessible. YES! The beneficiaries are largely paying their own way! They're adults, personal responsibility for one's own well being SHOULD be paid for largely on one's own! I do believe we're getting somewhere!

Originally Posted by Dude
By that I assume you mean you also pay your taxes, and interpret that as a social responsibility, and not something you're under threat to do.

Actually what I meant was that I contribute of my free will generously to improvement of societal issues outside of taxes that I pay. I view that as what adults do.

Originally Posted by Dude
Wait, so you assumed that I'm a liberal (I'm not), that I believe social duties are solely the responsibility of the government (I don't even know any liberals who believe this), and somehow I'm the one making inaccurate assumptions?

You'll noticed I had removed that reference prior to you posting as I realized that was an unfair assumption, it was only my perspective based on what you've posted. You have my apology for that assumption that I've corrected.

Originally Posted by Dude
I'm not sure what system of beliefs I've attacked, except the notion that people should enjoy the benefits of society without accepting the responsibilities that go along with them. I don't recognize that as a system of beliefs, but rather as a pathology.

It would appear that what you mean is accepting the responsibilities that YOU deem appropriate to go along with them. I've agreed that people should accept the responsibilities that go along with them, as each person should do of their own free will rather than at the threat of punishment. In short, I don't get to decide what you deem as a social responsibility with what you own and the services you provide and you don't get to decide that for me with what I own and services I provide.

Last edited by Old Dad; 04/19/18 03:02 PM.