Originally Posted by Old Dad
On the contrary, your participation in any insurance program is optional, I force you to do nothing.

You don't have to participate in society, either. You could go live on an island somewhere and pay no taxes. If you choose to live somewhere else, you're accepting the responsibilities that go along with the benefits of said society.

Originally Posted by Old Dad
What is "smart" for your may not be "smart" for me. I shouldn't have the option to make you fund what is smart for me, especially when I have other options.


Back to the medical analogy, just by participating and financing other people's treatments, you're pushing down the cost of treatment while advancing knowledge of how to do so. All this will benefit you further down the line, because regardless of whether you or your loved ones ever get a malignant tumor, the odds that none of you ever get an expensive and difficult condition are, assuming you live a normal life span, nearly zero.

You do have a choice, of course, but it's basically like putting all your money on 13 on the roulette wheel. Most people would calculate those odds and determine that it's not a smart bet.

Originally Posted by Old Dad
On a side note, the U.S. military has a whole bunch of openings for employment with the side benefit of paying for your college tuition and teaching valuable leadership and discipline qualities. As a tax payer I'm already funding that option. If one isn't willing to invest in themselves, I fail to see where it's my responsibility to invest in them in their place.

I can endorse the leadership and discipline qualities, which is why I appear to grasp social responsibility at a level far beyond you. As for paying for college, you shouldn't believe everything you read on a recruiting poster.

And finally, don't pretend you're performing any kind of charity by funding the military. You're benefiting far beyond your contributions, and most of the individuals involved are grossly underpaid. There's a reason why "thank you for your service" has become a thing.

You're welcome, btw.

Originally Posted by Old Dad
At 18 you're an adult, you become your responsibility at that age, responsible for your actions and responsible for your own well being. You stop being the responsibility of society. At this point, anything you receive from society is a gift and should be of free will.

You stop being the responsibility of society and start being responsible FOR society. That's what being an adult in a society means. You're basically arguing that you should be able to accept the gifts of living in a society, with none of the responsibilities.

Last edited by Dude; 04/19/18 12:43 PM.