Originally Posted by peanutsmom
private gifted schools
Each school may have it's own unique attributes and you want to look for a good "fit". Some gifted schools or programs may emphasize strength in math and/or English Language Arts. This post upthread from aeh makes excellent points.

Originally Posted by peanutsmom
He is now only a second grader, and I am unsure what we'd do for high school when it comes time. We are going to do private school all the way, since we don't live in a good school district, but our experience applying for kindergarten was rather traumatic if it is indicative of high school application process. If they still require test, I don't know what I'd do. Make sure that he is not his best self when testing? Tell him to tank it a bit in visual spatial so he looks just normally gifted? I don't like to think that the schools don't like my son because he is too far from the norm, but it looks like that's the way it is. He is on the mellow side, occasionally push limit just like normal kids his age, but is mostly on the conforming, rule oriented side, and went to a preschool that emphasized social emotional development, so we were surprised when he was rejected by nearly all.
While in general it may be beneficial to think ahead, considering educational strategies to utilize when your child is twice his present age does not seem sound. Attempting to throw a test or in any way misrepresent your child's strengths and weaknesses is not recommended as it may result in a placement which is not a good "fit". In general, any type of duplicity tends not to foster trust.

Originally Posted by peanutsmom
outside of VS he might just be a normally gifted kid.
It is good to know one's own child as this helps understanding him, raising him, and advocating for him.