I have two kids that both tested 159 GAI on the WISC IV- one is academically advanced, but socially awkward (he is 2e)- the other is socially advanced, and *ahem* academically awkward... and I'm still not really sure what's going on with that one. I would not have even thought the second one was gifted if I hadn't seen the score.

So if your child is doing great where he is, that's wonderful. Just keep an eye on things, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it. There are some gifted kids that need a lot more academically, and some that do fine as long as the school they are attending meets their needs. It's a question of fit.

I tend to go with "feed the beast" - basically if my children show an interest in something I try to support that area. If they aren't doing well in something I try to figure out why, but well, some children are extremely gifted but not in all areas. I was in the gifted program but never could master algebra.. but knowing what I know now I wish I could have skipped over it to geometry. But that's another story.. wink Anyway, I hope any of the above is helpful.