Solaris thank you so much again for sharing your insights and the reading suggestion, it is very much appreciated! I have been toying the idea of homeschooling him in the afternoons, but I am not confident enough to do it. His building skill surpasses mine, and I am a tech worker, and so far his strength mostly shows up in his afterschool hobbies.

ChasingTwo, we were rejected from all schools that required IQ test - the reason we did the IQ test in the first place. The schools were marketed for gifted population and a lot of marketing that was. But I think they don't want kids who are over 2 SD, they will take kids lower than 2 SD in fact (I know this for sure), I think they just want the money without doing a lot of work. The school we ended up in actually is not for gifted students, but was our first choice because they are well respected and didn't do marketing, and they deliver what they promise - and they didn't promise GT education, but they respect my son and makes him more well rounded and all. We have very kind and competent teachers.

I am not quite sure what the future might hold for my DS. Solaris it seems your DS is a lot more even than mine. Mine is clearly very tilted towards VS, his VS score is almost 4 SD from the mean without consulting the extended norm, and once we get the extended norm, I don't know where it will be. He is normally gifted everywhere else. DH and I are both in tech working in computer sci and applied math, so this is probably a natural thing to happen genetically. Still I was not like this as a child, and he is our first child, so this is a lot of learning for me. I might be a bit biased too, since our friend's kid also seems to be very VS (they are tech workers as well).

Btw, Silverman tested a few PG kids and she found that Stanford Binet vs Weschler had consistently around 80-100 points discrepancy; Stanford Binet gives higher results than Weschler. I don't know if that's due to higher ceiling or the test being older or just different.

Originally Posted by ChasingTwo
I have been following this thread with interest because I have a somewhat similar DD6. She has very unusual VS and VCI scores. I, too, was initially surprised, but the more I have learned, the more I see. I don't exactly know how to label her either. This isn't that big of a deal because I don't go around discussing it with people. But as you say, it's still nice to know what to expect and what kind of reading may be applicable. Ultimately, I've read that this is at least partly a clinical determination, so if your tester used the PG label, I'd say s/he knows your kid better than any of us. Ours didn't give us much more info than scores and the advice that she was going to need a lot more at school.

I think one of the most important things you said was that your DS is well adjusted and has found a good school situation. That's excellent, and I'm jealous! Testing did help me understand a big part of why we've been in three different schools already and has given me more moral support in advocating for her needs.

I hope you continue to do well on this journey and know that while uncommon, you are not alone smile