George, interesting thread... it wanders from discussing definitions of gifted, to Profoundly Gifted (PG), to twice-exceptional (2e).

It appears that several posts have been deleted from that thread, collapsing the thread, and providing some discontinuity. For example, if poster A responds to the OP and then poster B responds to poster A... when poster A deletes his/her message, then message B appears as response to the OP, and the context of message A (which message B responded to) is missing.

Nonetheless, what was discussed from many poster's perspectives in that thread seems consistent with the article posted upthread:
Behavioral clues may be helpful, especially as a means to alert parents and teachers to the possibility that a child is outside the norm and to suggest that testing may be insightful... when a child may be exhibiting "gifted traits" or "2e traits" or "ADD/ADHD traits" or "ASD traits" or "HG+ traits" or "PG traits".

Yet without testing, it may not be wise to assign any particular label or diagnosis. As the article explained, some "gifted traits" may present in a similar manner to some "ASD traits".