Yes, it's rare-- but it happens to someone's children.

Playing the odds is fine, but understand that as healthy and well-adjusted as the KIDS are-- their parents may have reasons they haven't disclosed to you for particular quirky behaviors. My DD didn't go to the restroom alone until she was about 9yo, and even now, I prefer to be able to SEE the vicinity as described.

I was only 8 when I had the luckiest day of my life--

escaping from a determined child-predator who had me physically cornered... in a department store restroom. I know that I was lucky that day because I remember his face, his build... and he's the same person who was later convicted of murdering two other 7-9yo girls in a nearby town not three weeks later.

I have another friend who has refused to allow his son to serve as an altar-boy. Irrational? Oh, probably. But I have a hunch that I know why.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.