Originally Posted by Pemberley
At least we will have this psych on our side working with DD to help so things are looking up. AND she got word that insurance reconsidered - since she is fluent in Spanish they approved her after all! Not sure when it will kick in but we are finally feeling better.

That's terrific! I'm so glad you'll have her on your team. Once she knows your DD, she may turn out to be a great advocate for DD with the school, too. We do bring our professionals to school meetings, and it's very effective.

Originally Posted by Pemberley
I sent an email about the IEP being incomplete but did not actually request another meeting. (The idea of sitting in a room with this principal makes me feel physically ill. I just can't get myself to ask for it...)

I don't blame you. The silence could be them working things out with their lawyer... or fighting among themselves... who knows.

Originally Posted by Pemberley
In our state we don't have to sign off for an IEP to be implemented - if we don't object in writing within 5 days we are presumed to have consented to it as written. No word from the district since the "I feel awful" phone call to our consultant. No response to email about the IEP.

I think the main job I see at this moment is to make sure that your email definitely counts as "objecting," so that the IEP does not go into effect as they wrote it. Check with your consultant. Do re-read the IEP and make note of what's missing, and talk with the consultant about how and whether to "object" (and to what) at this stage. You do want to pick your battles, but you seem to be at a critical moment.

Yes, it's nauseating all right, but I think you are doing what has to be done. Keep holding your nose, and keep doing what appears essential...
