Yes, consultant will be there tomorrow. I do nothing these days without him. In fact I told him if we go to court I will pay both him and the attorney to be there. We have always had as our worst case scenario that we pay for the private and sue for reimbursement. I can't believe that is the best way to go, though. They have indeed screwed up royally and I have no doubt we would win at due process - and they understand that too. I would rather get them to agree to "fill in the blank solution" rather than fight all summer. During the meeting I did say "Oh so 'town' is planning to pay for 'name of private' instead" when principal announced that she would not provide an appropriate classroom. I also casually (ok, maybe not so casually...) mentioned the civil rights, dept of education, etc when I contacted the special ed teacher before she got the new DSS to propose this plan. I don't think there is any doubt in their minds that we are both aware of DD's legal rights and that we are more than ready to fight tooth and nail to get her what she is entitled to. At this point it is more a matter of the best way to do it.

Both the consultant and I tried to reach the superintendent on Friday without success. He has a message in to the asst superintendent. A lot is up in the air right now as the district is doing a major reorganization of personnel this summer. I told the consultant that I want to act now with the attorney because they are in a shambles - the only person up to speed on the facts is leaving, the principal is out of control and they are scrambling to do damage control. We will discuss the attorney after we see exactly what new DSS's plan is. I assume consultant will call on our behalf later today or tomorrow and we will get that ball rolling.

What is lindamood bell? Not familiar with that term.

Just as the meeting was starting the other day I looked for a tape recorder. Our state requires consent from all participants to tape record and I am assuming at this point they would conveniently have someone object. I know that I sure would if I had that principal on my side...

Thanks for all the support. Our consultant has told me repeatedly that I am unlike almost any other parent they have to work with because I have done my research and I am really holding their feet to the fire. Each time I just smile and think of all of you. You are the ones that have made it possible so far. Now to take a deep breath and get over this hurdle...